If you’re looking for gift ideas for the mom who has everything, you’ll love these luxury baby gear that are totally worth the splurge! If you’re on a budget, you’d prefer to read about the best baby products on a dime. This post contains affiliate links.Any price or rating reference is accurate at the time of writing and may change.

When I was asking other moms which baby products were absolute sanity savers, I really had in mind those on the lower end, as I linked above. However, there were many products that moms swore by that were more luxury items.
If you’re buying for yourself, these are much more worthwhile than that adorable outfit your baby will outgrow way too quickly. And if you’re buying a gift for the mom who has everything, that $250 snappy will fit for 2-3 wears, as long as it doesn’t run too small, in which case, it’ll be passed on with the tags still attached. However, these upgraded luxury baby gear ideas were hand-picked because they functionally provide mom with a bit of respite, and help make the early days of parenting a wee bit easier.
Table of Contents:
Not all of these are prohibitively expensive – some are just upgrades on the basics – upgrades that are worth making! Some are only “splurges” because they’re so not necessary, but still so helpful to have.
And some are totally luxuries, but, again, worthwhile ones that are totally lifesavers. Some of these expenses can even be put into the context of what it would cost to hire extra help, that’s how good they are. I’ve highlighted that by the relevant products below.
And finally, most luxury baby gear have very high resale value. That means, because it’s a high end product that’s popular and valuable enough that people are actively seeking to buy them second hand, you can actually sell them when you’re done quite easily when you’re done with them. When you’re done, they don’t cost that much more than buying cheaper gear that’s harder to resell. Of course, that’ll depend on where you live, if you’re willing to put in the minimal effort it requires to resell your gear.
A word of caution: the more extra baby gear becomes, the more you’ll see knockoffs on the market. I’d be cautious and avoid buying these, as many aren’t regulated for child safety. Buy the original brands, avoid counterfeits.
If you’re buying a gift, avoid things that are very personal, unless you’re buying it for you. Or, include a gift receipt so that mom can swap it out. This includes breast pumps, diaper bags, things that feature as home decor, such as high chairs, and items along those lines. Or offer mama and let her choose the exact style.
One thing you can’t go wrong with (and a common denominator between these) is extra sleep for mom! If it’s luxury baby gear that helps mom sleep, you have a winner.
Better Baby Gifts Under $100
We used this for a while. It’s not safe for babies to sleep on, but it’s very comfortable for them to play, relax, lounge on. (I confess, I did use this for supervised naps too). It’s incredibly comfortable and really afforded me some peace of mind. The edges are raised, making them feel enclosed. If your big baby/young toddler tends to chill mid-day with a bottle, the DockATot on the floor also feels safer than having them do this on the couch.

We used it for Y until he was three, allowing him to sleep on it (after the age of one) when he wasn’t feeling well and needed to elevate his head a little. For that you’ll want the Grand.
You can get the basic Deluxe version for under $100 but you may want to upgrade to the larger Grand, extra covers, or prettier covers, especially if you’ll be using it in main living areas.
Get a night light, sound machine, and time-to-rise clock all in one. While this might seem pricey for any one of these items, it’s actually a fantastic price for a combo of three super helpful products, that saves space and is less wasteful.
Parents swear by sound machines to help baby sleep, especially during the day, in busy households. A night light is a must for midnight feeds, and some children prefer to sleep with one too. And finally, a wakeup timer is a lifesaver for the older toddler-preschool age, when they can sometimes wake at 4-5 AM and not realize it’s not morning yet!
The best part: it is controlled from your phone, making it really easy to set and to control from the next room.
A proper stroller cover is a lifesaver, unless you never really go out in the rain…

We used a Manito stroller cover with M and Y and the same one with Princess A.
With UV protection, it doubles as an all-weather shield, and it’s definitely helped keep my babies warmer with wind protection. Pull down the top flap to help them sleep.
The Alpha is created for most fixed-seat strollers, and the Beta for detachable reclining seats.
4. Tushbaby
I can best describe this as a hybrid between a baby carrier and actually carrying your baby. If a baby carrier hurts your back, but you need a little help and support, the Tushbaby helps provide support while carrying baby. It’s pricier than a sling but much more ergonomic.
These lightly weighted sleep sacks help soothe baby when transitioning from swaddle to sack, and beyond. It has adjustable snaps to grow with your child, and a bottom zip opening for easy changes.
The idea is: babies sleep better with light weight on their stomachs. But stomach-sleeping brings with it a risk of positional asphyxia. This allows them the soothing weight on their stomach, without exaggerating, overheating them, putting loose items in their crib, or other unsafe practices.
And we all know that more sleep for baby = more sleep for mama which is priceless!
6. Lullyboo Bassinet to go:
This brilliant foldable bassinet is a fantastic solution for visiting. It works as a lounger for baby, for supervised naps, and as a safe place for baby to play. It folds into a lightweight backpack.

We use this heavily for both Y and Princess A at home and away. It’s a fantastic solution for the issue of not having a good, clean place to put baby down at other people’s houses.
An alternative that other moms suggest is the Fisher Price On-the-Go Dome. It folds flatter but bigger, and has a full canopy which makes it great for days out in the sun.
I take Princess A, our winter baby, out even on 20 degree days thanks to the Urban Bundleme that JJ Cole sent me. Babies do NOT like straitjackets, I mean snowsuits, and I only put those on her twice, for two minutes to take her into the snow a bit. It wasn’t pretty.
The Bundleme is a fantastic solution as it allows me to layer a little better, putting her into a comfy sherpa pram instead of a full snowsuit, with the Bundleme functioning like a blanket that she can’t kick off. It’s really cozy and even surrounds her from the top, keeping her head extra warm.

We have the Original Bundleme too, which I use in the car since it’s unsafe for her to wear a coat in the car. It’s so helpful – I seriously do not know what I’d do with a winter baby without it. I love the quilted Urban Bundle for walks because it’s warmer, has a pocket to stick pacifiers and such, and has functional buttons on the front. Plus, the headpiece on it keeps her warm even on really cold days.
I use this in addition to this bomber hat set (hat, mittens, booties) that they sent me as well. They are a legit, really warm, really practical, and really cute set that took me from November through February (so far).

Gifts for the Mom who has Everything Under $300
7. Woolino:
Get two of these and it’ll take your baby through age two for all seasons! It helps regulate baby’s temperature instead of being warm or cool. It might be pricey, but moms report that you save money while having to store less because they last through baby’s first years. They are under $100 each but you’ll want two of them so that you can still have one while the other is in the wash.
8. Baby Brezza Sterilizer and Dryer:
Sterilize and dry your bottles easily – this was a lifesaver when I used it for Baby Y! Especially when he had thrush and I needed to exclusively pump and sterilize the parts (it was the only way we could stop giving it to each other!) I sold it after using it for him, as I didn’t have space to store it, but I wish I had it for Princess A.
This five star bouncer is a luxury baby gear that is so worth the upgrade for mom’s sanity:
- It looks amazing in your home!
- It is a longer-term piece of gear and accommodates your baby up to age two. It has height/angle settings according to the age of your baby.
- Most of all: it really bounces, and is easy for baby to bounce.
It’s generally a well-made item, breathable from below so baby doesn’t get too hot, and has good resale value. It folds flat, so you only need to pull it out when you need it. Many parents use it as a safe place to put baby down when they need that shower.
This comfortable play mat is a fantastic surface for baby to crawl on comfortably. My kids learned to walk on a similar mat, as they feel more secure on this than they do with a hard floor underneath. It’s also more comfortable for parents to sit or kneel on when playing with, changing, or otherwise on the floor with kids.
Luxury Baby Gear $300 and over – that are totally worth it!
There is a world of a difference between your standard stroller and a good one. I own two strollers. One is a popular budget brand, one of their better models. The other is an Inglesina Quad.

When I upgraded to the better budget stroller, there was already an improvement in the ride. When I started using the Inglesina, it strolled like a dream! Especially if you stroll on busy, bumpy city roads, or have kids tagging along, a smooth running stroller makes a huge difference in avoiding stroller fatigue.
Other popular, smooth-riding strollers moms swear by are the Uppababy Vista and BabyJogger City Select. These strollers both have high resale value as popular mainstream high end models that people are specifically seeking out. They also grow with the family with add-on seats and have bassinet options for newborns. Both are car seat compatible and work as travel systems too. You literally get everything you want in one stroller.
12. SNOO Smart Sleeper:
The SNOO is a magical, unique, incredible piece of luxury baby gear that moms swear by because…. SLEEP! Mom can’t begin to recover until baby sleeps well, and the SNOO is designed by a pediatrician to help them do just that, and safely. It responds to baby’s sounds with soothing noise and movements. It’s cheaper than a babysitter, a night nurse, and it’s so worth the sanity.
SNOO is the award-winning, responsive bassinet created by Dr. Harvey Karp, author of the celebrated parent guide, The Happiest Baby on the Block.
Yes, it’s incredibly pricey.
That’s why SNOO has a rental option. And that’s so much cheaper than buying it new! Rent it for the months you need it, and then return than you’re done.
And you’re not committing – you can cancel and return it at any time, so you’re only really committing to a month at a time. If it doesn’t do the job for you, it wasn’t a big loss.
It also has incredible resale value. But if you don’t trust yourself to actually sell it, rental might be a better option for you.
With your rental, you get (new, to keep):
- (3) 100% organic cotton white SNOO Sacks (S, M, & L)
- (1) 100% organic cotton fitted sheet
- (1) Mattress and water resistant-cover
This way you don’t need to purchase additional accessories. It’s majorly sanitized before you get it, and quarantined for ten days too. It includes automatic sleep logs, weaning modes, built-in advice from Dr. Karp, white noise, and of course the advanced algorithm that can tell baby noise apart from room noise and know when to soothe your baby back to sleep.
13. Doona:
Getting out with baby is so hard – even with a travel system! Especially since it’s unsafe to place babies in the car seat with a snow suit, in the winter, babies need to stay cozy in their car seats when you pull them out.
Doona is basically a stroller with pop-out wheels so that you can just wheel it around, without having to clumsily transfer unwieldy and bulky car seats onto bases that you need to schlep out of your trunk too. It currently has 4.8 stars on Amazon and parents swear by it.
Which luxury baby gear do you recommend as something that’s worth the splurge? What’s your favorite baby gift ideas for the mom who has everything? Comment below!
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